Additional Images Galleries

When processing supplier data we have traditionally used one image for each product colour and one main image for the product itself. Over the last few days we have been working on new image galleries that enable the inclusion of additional images. We have also setup the alt text on these images...

Read more: Additional Images Galleries

New Feature - Credit Control

Today we will be rolling out a new credit control feature. This will override the current credit limits and on stop / off stop system. If you choose to continue to use the old credit limits on the user accounts nothing will be affected. The new system will be available from the invoices drop down...

Read more: New Feature - Credit Control

New Feature: Email Marketing

ProMart Now comes with AcyMailing Enterprise Email Marketing software built in. All emails are sent using Mandrill which is MailChimp's email sending system. However rather than using MailChimp we now send emails directly from your website. You can also now access a user's email preferences via...

Read more: New Feature: Email Marketing

New Feature: Additional Costs

Since it's inception we have always setup all the products in ProMart with a maximum of 6 options for print. (Plain Stock, 1-4 Colour, Process Print) Or whatever you wanted to use them for. This keeps everything nice and simple as the fields are dynamic and you can do whatever you want with them....

Read more: New Feature: Additional Costs

Global Margin Adjustments

Previously all margins were set when the products were imported. We either set the values in the google sheet or set them to a default value on the import system. This takes a lot of time to import all lines for a global margin adjustment.  This is why we have now added a new feature that allows...

Read more: Global Margin Adjustments

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